
What Being A Blogger Can Do To You!

Hi lovelies! I hope you're all doing well and have had a fab weekend! Today, I'm going to be talking about 'Things Blogging Will Do To You', the 'side effects' of blogging if you prefer. Now, I know a lot of my readers are already bloggers and will be fully aware of most things I am going to be talking about in this post. However, I know some of you aren't bloggers yourselves, or maybe you're fairly new to blogging. So, take this post as a warning. These are a few things that could happen to you if you become a blogger.

Talking to Strangers
Remember what your Mum told you about never, ever talking to strangers? Forget about it. If you become a blogger, you will talk to completely random strangers on the internet every. single. day. On twitter, facebook, through comments, they're everywhere! There's even a #bbloggers chat on twitter twice a week that encourages talking to random strangers to chat away to eachother between the 8pm and 9pm. Though don't worry Mums, we're a friendly bunch. No dodgy omegle webcam chats here. And besides, we won't be strangers for long, other bloggers can quickly become your friends. Yay!

Taking Photos of Everything
'NO! Don't take a bite of that yet I haven't taken a photo!', 'I can't try this new lipstick yet, it'll look rubbish in photos if I do', 'Ooh Puppy! *click*'. If these are things you find yourself saying or doing while out and about, you've got blogger syndrome. You will begin to feel the need to take photos of everything, it's raining? Photo. On the tube? Photo. New shoes? Duh, photo. Afterall, this week's Instagram post is next week's 'week in photos'.

It's Okay, I Can Review it
This is an excuse you will make a lot while shopping. New lipstick you really don't need, it's fine, if you buy it, you can review it on your blog, right? This is a very common side effect to Beauty and Fashion bloggers in particular. You will find yourself spending money on unnecessary things, but telling yourself it's okay because you can do a blog post on it. This is great for your readers as they'll have lots to read, but your bank account, not so much. This is not limited to beauty either, you may buy clothes you don't need, thinking to yourself, 'well, it'll make a great outfit post'. But hey, as long as you let your readers know where you bought it, it's fine by us.

Over Familiarity With Your Postman
You know when you answer the door and the Postman says something like, 'ooh Parcel for you again Chloe!', that you've got blogger syndrome. Your Postman will become very friendly as he's so used to popping over to your house everyday to deliver the ten thousand things you ordered/ got sent this week and yes, your name is on the box, but Posties should not be on first name terms! This is accompanied by another relevant side effect, the post confusion. When I get home from work and ask 'any post?', I generally have absolutely no idea what I'm expecting to turn up. I often open parcels and go 'Oh yeah! This, I forgot about this!'. It's a problem.

No Post Withdrawals
This time, we're not talking the Royal Mail kind of post, we're talking about blog posts. When you visit one of your favourite blogs and realise they haven't posted for a few days, you may start to feel withdrawal symptoms. Where did they go? What are they up to? HOW DO WE KNOW! This can go as far as checking the blogger's twitter to see what's going on, or to find out if they're planning to post soon. This is particularly common with bloggers who post regularly, then don't post for a while. All you can do in this case is read some other blogs and wait patiently for them to return to posting, which I'm sure they will.

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