Welcome to day 16 of Blogmas, today I'm going to do another tag post. Tags are so much fun and it’s a great way to get into the holiday season so today I decided to do the Winter Favorites Tag that I saw on Starbs & Carbs, you can check her tag by clicking the link. I wasn’t tagged by her, but it just looked like fun so I decided to do this tag! Enjoy!

Top 2 Winter Beauty Essentials: Lip balm is a big must for me since I get chapped lips very easily. Lotion is also a big one but I forget to put it on sometimes especially body lotion. I just can't be bothered to do it when I've got out the bath or shower. As a result my skin tends to dry out quickly especially with the central heating being on.
Top 2 Winter Fashion Essentials: I love beanies because they are cute and they come in many different styles. I also like hoodies because they aren’t as bulky as jackets but they are still warm.
Favorite Winter Nail Polish: I like a nice red color because it screams Christmas to me. I also really like to pair the red polish with a gold polish.
Favorite Winter Candle or Scent: I am a sucker for anything with a cinnamon scent especially in the winter.
Favorite Winter Accessory: I love scarves!! They are super cute and can make any outfit look fabulous while keeping you warm!
Favorite Winter Beverage: I have to for this one, hot chocolate and gingerbread lattes and eggnog lattes from Starbucks.
Favorite Holiday Food or Treat: I love Baileys I know it's not a food, but to me it's a treat.
Favorite Christmas Decoration: Lights and Christmas Trees. Those two make my Christmas!!
Favorite Christmas/Holiday Song: My favorite is All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey which is funny because I am not a Mariah Carey fan but I just love how she sings this song. However, I also like any Christmas song by Michael buble and all the oldies by Nat king Cole and Dean Martin.
Favorite Christmas/Holiday Movie: I have three and they are all equally my favorite! The Muppets Christmas Carol, The Polar Express and It's A Wonderful Life.
If you were to ask Santa for one thing this year and actually get it, what would it be? I don't know, but I think it would be some Mac cosmetics or stuff for blogging.
What are your holiday plans this year? I plan on watching a lot of Christmas related tv and movies, plus my sister and brother in law are coming to town (see what I did there? No ok never mind).
I hope you have a wonderful and safe Christmas and a fabulous New Year.
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