
Hello April!

Hello my lovely beautiful dolls,

I completely forgot that it's April, yes I heard about and read all the April Fool's jokes, but it never really sunk in what month it was. I mean how can I forget as it's my birthday month, oh god I'll be 27 in 16 days. Man I feel old didn't help that I was looking at pictures from my 18th birthday today that my sister sent me. Do you think she was trying to tell me something? 

Anyway, it's April clocks have gone forward, nights are getting shorter days are getting long. Soon summer will be here and I will have felt like I haven't accomplished anyone on my yearly wish list. However, I have lost 3 and a half lbs this week, hoping to do the same next week and I would have reach half a stone lost in two weeks. Hoping to do it for my birthday, so I can fit into some new clothes that I have recently got but not yet worn. Which is normally what happens and my mum finds I'm annoying yet funny at the same time.

What are your plans this month? I would love to hear them.

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