
blog update.

Hello my lovelies,

So today I start the Easter holidays so two weeks off work and I thought what better time to do a whole blog overhaul. Which means downloading adobe creative cloud (free trial) so I've downloaded an updated photoshop and indesign and hopefully this means I will be able to do my own blog design and business cards.

When at uni I had to do my own business cards, but they turned out horrible so hopefully second time round they will turn out better. I've also decided to do a whole room overhaul as well (never turns out well) I always tend to go 'yea I'll chuck out rubbish and unwanted clothes.' Guess what, I never throw out any clothes as I think yea I will lose weight and get into it, but I never take into account the condition of the clothes, I mean I've had tops and some jeans since I was 18 maybe younger and I think yeah they still look good. Only they don't, fashion has moved on and teenage clothes don't look good on a nearly 29 year old woman, so I've been updating my wardrobe which when you're losing weight isn't the best thing as you will probably end up selling the new clothes and buy every newer clothes that fit.

Anyways, keep an eye out for the new blog design (finger crossed) and some new products and maybe even some youtube videos - yes i'm braving stepping in front of the camera to build my youtube channel and you guys can join in on the journey and maybe even give me some tips and advice - until then enjoy your Easter holidays.

1 comment

  1. I can't wait to see how it works out for you - I'll keep an eager eye out for a new layout!

    Sammy xo.



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